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Förderprogramm des BMBF:
Risikomanagement extremer Hochwasserereignisse

Vorhersage und Management von Sturzfluten in urbanen Gebieten

Management extremer Hochwasserereignisse
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Case studies in 15 selected municipalities

A detailed analysis of historical damage producing events is one research focus among others. Besides occurred flash flood events in the participating municipalities Hamburg and Paderborn, 15 other towns and municipalities will be analysed to obtain a representative sample for further generalisation of results.

Contacts exist to some potential case study municipalities due to previous project work and research and thus useful knowledge of the localities. Unless there are thematically relevant results from communities of other countries in Europe, these perceptions are to be involved into our analysis. Selection criteria are among others:

  • spatial distribution of urban flash flood occurrence in Germany
  • geographic, topographic, meteorological and climatic classification
  • event development and damage symptoms
  • structures of urban areas and public space
  • surface characteristics, land use structures and drainage system structures of affected areas
  • up-to-dateness of data, data quality, disposition to cooperate

At first the course of flash flood events is to be analysed. Selected events should be up-to-date and well documented. Then the investigation will be supplemented by an analysis of existing event descriptions An evaluation depending on event type, region, topography and structures of urban areas and public space will be the basis for derivation of well funded statements about particularly vulnerable areas.

Another research area deals with the administrative organisation and the responsibilities during emergency actions as documented in case studies. Additionally, the actors’ interactions and decisions are investigated (ex-post-analysis of sequence of decisions).


gefördert durch: Projekträger: Projektpartner:
Logo des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Logo PTJ - Projekträger Jülich Hydrotec Logo DWD Logo Logo der FH Aachen
Logo der Hansestadt Hamburg Logo der Deutsche Rückversicherung GmbH Logo des Stadtentwässerungsbetriebs Paderborn
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