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Förderprogramm des BMBF:
Risikomanagement extremer Hochwasserereignisse

Vorhersage und Management von Sturzfluten in urbanen Gebieten

Management extremer Hochwasserereignisse
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Exchange of experience, publication and diffusion of results

Our results will be distributed through various media. They involve different measure category groups such as precaution, communication, forecast and warning. Result publication will take place on this Internet site, at expert congresses, in scientific articles and work tools.

Besides publication it is projected to transfer our results to the insurance industry, a plan which is to be assured through the Deutsche Rückversicherung AG (German Re-Insurer). Of particular interest is knowledge about flash flood characteristics (frequency, relevant parameters etc.), knowledge about geographical distribution of flash floods in Germany as well as newly gained perceptions about preventive measures and their impact on amount of damage.

Furthermore, it is intended to cooperate with Prof. Bernhofer, professor for meteorology at the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). Prof. Bernhofer’s project also focuses on local events with extreme precipitation, however, methods used in his project differ from methods used in URBAS.


gefördert durch: Projekträger: Projektpartner:
Logo des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Logo PTJ - Projekträger Jülich Hydrotec Logo DWD Logo Logo der FH Aachen
Logo der Hansestadt Hamburg Logo der Deutsche Rückversicherung GmbH Logo des Stadtentwässerungsbetriebs Paderborn
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