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Förderprogramm des BMBF:
Risikomanagement extremer Hochwasserereignisse

Vorhersage und Management von Sturzfluten in urbanen Gebieten

Management extremer Hochwasserereignisse
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Recommended mitigation measures for extreme rain events

Emergency measures should cover:

  • responsibilities and patterns of interactions
  • precaution measures
  • communication with the public
  • forecast
  • assignment of relief units

Responsibilities and patterns of interaction

Main aim should be to provide a framework based upon municipal functions and responsibilities that defines further tasks and responsibilities. It should clarify who is to assume responsibility for decisions and tasks in case of an extreme precipitation event and if there is need of cooperation, information and further education.


Mitigation measures which aim at minimizing losses arising from flash floods in urban areas differ basically fundamentally from measures taken in areas affected by river flooding. Preventive measures such as to establishing and assigning of flood plains or conventional flood protection cannot be adopted or must be modified. Questions are:

  • Which preventive measures are possible and can be developed within the following fields: urban management, police law, building construction laws, urban drainage systems? Are measures in other fields conceivable?
  • Do hazards maps make sense in urban areas? If yes, how could they look like? Could they be of importance for urban management / urban land use planning / building permits?

Tools to be analysed involve measures in the fields of urban planning, building laws, declaration of hazard areas, technical infrastructure, proposals for design and control, protective measures for objects.

Process of communication

Education and sensitisation are of great importance for hazard, risk and loss mitigation. Besides precautions for buildings, preparedness of the population is indispensable. Individual advantage as well as loss potential and its costs should be communicated to become a stimulus for changes in behaviour.Our questions are:

  • How could directives / a code of behaviour be re-adjusted in urban areas?
  • How can warning systems for the public be designed? What possibilities can offer modern mobile means of communication? What time and effort is required for permanent operation?

Measures to think about and to assess are e.g. development of information panels, use of media and promotion of preparedness.


Unlike river flooding a flash flood forecast has to be based directly upon a rainfall forecast. Questions:

  • Is there potential for improving the forecast quality of heavy rainfall and consequential followup runoff events?
  • What are the characteristics of an appropriate tool? How is the required staff profile and number? Do operation and expansion of municipal systems make sense? Are there faster forecast possibilities to the population?

The results involve forecast and warning, levels and ways of warning information flow, information pathways and communication devices between municipalities, rescue service, authorities and the public.

Assignment of rescue services

Emergency services need detailed emergency plans to foresightedly send their teams to the event hot spots. Questions:

  • how can basic principles of disaster control be improved?
  • What contents must an emergency plan have?

A fundamental result of this project will be the development of measures and recommendations for a preventive flood control of flash floods in urban areas. It is planned to structure measures according to receiver and activity fields to guarantee a high practical applicability. Approximate costs of measures will be worked out to allow municipalities to produce a precise estimation of measures with a reasonable cost-value ratio. Furthermore it is intended to involve international expert-knowledge about adequate (suitable) strategies and recommended actions into the research.


gefördert durch: Projekträger: Projektpartner:
Logo des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Logo PTJ - Projekträger Jülich Hydrotec Logo DWD Logo Logo der FH Aachen
Logo der Hansestadt Hamburg Logo der Deutsche Rückversicherung GmbH Logo des Stadtentwässerungsbetriebs Paderborn
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